In August, the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages Division recognized Luxco as their #1 performing vendor among the top 14 largest vendors doing business in the state. Those 14 vendors represent 92% of the Iowa ABD’s annual volume of almost 2 million cases.

“As the old saying goes, ‘You can’t sell from an empty wagon!’” said Rick Przebieda, Business Unit Manager-Control States. “Sheila Welch, Joanna Nelson and the entire production and logistics team make sure the Luxco wagons in the control states are filled just right.” 

 After the NABCA Administrators Conference held in Des Moines, Nancy Stanovsky, Sheila Welch, Jonna Nelson and Matt Schweiger got an opportunity to tour the newly updated ABD warehouse and sit down with Tim Iverson, COO, and Nicole Scebold, Products Manager of the Iowa ABD, to discuss some of the “best practices” that make Luxco #1 in Iowa.