Since February 2019, Eric Winter has served as the Brand Manager for the Lux Row Distillers™ portfolio, supporting the Rebel Bourbon®, Ezra Brooks®, David Nicholson®, Daviess County® and Blood Oath® brands.

In his role Eric handles a host of responsibilities, including developing brand strategies, implementing advertising and marketing programs, coordinating activities with agency partners and internal teams, developing new-product ideas and overseeing packaging options.

“A lot of what I do is managing many moving parts and projects,” said Eric. “The most challenging part is that even the best plans sometimes need to change. We often need to pivot to adjust to evolving scenarios, consumer needs or market conditions – but that also makes the job fun!”

Eric also appreciates watching an idea, packaging update or new product come to life.

When not at work, Eric can often be found working at his family’s farm, doing projects around his house or watching YouTube to learn new skills.

What is your favorite movie?
I’m more of a TV fan. My favorite TV show is Breaking Bad.

What is your favorite cocktail?
An Old Fashioned made with Ezra Brooks 99

Name three celebrities/famous people you’d want to invite to your cocktail party.
Dave Grohl and the original hosts of the British car show Top Gear (Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May)

What is your dream vacation?

What is the best word to describe you?
A jokester

What is the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller