In October, a special luncheon celebration was held in St. Louis to recognize the 25th work anniversaries of two employees: Lux Row Distillers™ Master Distiller John Rempe and Kemper Warehouseman Matt Asinger. Donn Lux presented both men a gold Rolex watch to mark their years of service to the company – a tradition started by his father and Luxco® founder Paul Lux.

David Bratcher, who began his Luxco career the same year as John and Matt, was delighted to be on hand to celebrate with his friends and longtime colleagues. He had this to say about them:

“There’s a real spirit of obligation and loyalty that is evident in both John and Matt. John has always strived to do what is right for the company, regardless of his role or position –and he continues to make a personal investment in his work, standing behind every one of the products he makes. Matt is one of the most open, honest and straightforward individuals you’ll ever meet. He’s a great guy who truly embodies the Luxco spirit and our proud history. Both men, through their ongoing success and commitment, have helped to make Luxco what it is today.”