Check out what we are up to! Find news, promotions, and other information pertaining to our diverse lineup of innovative brands as well as newsworthy headlines about our company and culture.

December 27, 2013

Limitations Just a Perspective of the Mind

As Luxco has redefined our Mission and Values, we realize that everything we have done and everything we will do requires us to work hard, think outside the box, and continuously challenge our perceived limitations. Molly Culver, Marketing Assistant for Dark Spirits, recently competed in not ONE, but TWO ultra-marathons! Her experience greatly reflects what Luxco is doing as a company.

November 7, 2013

Paul A. Lux Award – A Team Affair

Luxco’s success and culture have been built by the work of many, and that is why, in 2013, Donn awarded the Paul A. Lux award to the entire Luxco family, recognizing the power of the collective Luxco spirit rather than an individual contributor.

November 4, 2013

Introducing the Trade Dashboard

Welcome to the all-new Trade Dashboard! This new tool gives our partners a new platform to communicate our corporate objectives and brand initiatives. Now you can access all of the tools you need to sell Luxco’s innovative portfolio of brands!

October 18, 2013

New ShopLuxco Now Live

Order P.O.S. and promotional items for Luxco’s core brands via the new More items will be gradually added throughout the year that cater to brand promotions, selling seasons and holidays.

Bob Manchick Celebrates 61 Years

Being recognized as an expert in any field for 61 years of your life requires dedication, savvy, intelligence, and an overall likability – and Bob Manchick encapsulates all of those traits and more for the beverage alcohol industry.

October 10, 2013

Wirtz Takes In St. Louis

Luxco recently welcomed members of Wirtz Distributing to St. Louis to give them an opportunity to see the inner workings of what makes Luxco tick, and meet some of our team members.

Mitch Retires

This past December saw one of the most tenured and respected members of the Luxco family leave us, as Robert “Mitch” Mitchell retired after 50 years with Luxco/Paramount Distillers.
